Wisconsin Safety Council Celebrates June as National Safety Month

MADISON – Wisconsin Safety Council – the state’s leading provider of safety training and products – is once again partnering with the National Safety Council to recognize June as National Safety Month. Throughout the month, Wisconsin Safety Council will offer public and private training programs, engage members in a social media campaign and educate the public on how to prioritize safety.

National Safety Month, observed annually in June by groups and businesses around the country, serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety in daily life, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. The initiative provides an opportunity for organizations, communities and individuals to join forces and focus on preventing injuries and promoting overall well-being.

“Our commitment to safety extends beyond our classroom, conference or onsite trainings,” said Wisconsin Safety Council Executive Director Aaron Huebner. “National Safety Month reminds us all to keep safety a priority no matter where we are or what we’re doing. We appreciate the opportunity to highlight best safety practices and share resources to mitigate risks this month and every month.”

As part of the National Safety Month campaign, Wisconsin Safety Council will focus on a new topic each week, sharing valuable resources, tips and best practices through their website and social media platforms.

  • Week 1: Safety Engagement
  • Week 2: Roadway Safety
  • Week 3: Risk Reduction
  • Week 4: Slips, Trips and Falls

Wisconsin Safety Council is also encouraging organizations and individuals to get involved by organizing their own safety events, sharing safety messages on social media and engaging in safety discussions with friends, family and colleagues.

Additionally, Gov. Tony Evers proclaimed June as National Safety Month in Wisconsin. Click here to view the proclamation.

To learn more about Wisconsin Safety Council, visit www.wisconsinsafetycouncil.org.


Wisconsin Safety Council