Upcoming Public Trainings:

June 3, 2021 – Click to Register, (Live Instructor Led Virtual Training)

Aug 4, 2021 – Click to Register, (Live Instructor Led Virtual Training)

Oct 13, 2021 – Click to Register, (Live Instructor Led Virtual Training)

Dec 8, 2021 – Click to Register, (Live Instructor Led Virtual Training)

Course Overview

This is a 4-hour instructor-led course that reinforces fundamental defensive driving strategies and motivates drivers to change risky behind-the-wheel behaviors and attitudes.  The course provides participants with the basic understanding and techniques to avoid motor vehicle incidents and collisions and reduce traffic violations.  Participants will acquire the knowledge to recognize potential hazards and learn coping techniques to handle speeding, distracted, impaired, aggressive and fatigued driving, and various traffic and road conditions.

Key Topics/Goals/Objectives

  • Blended learning methods and activities to encourage greater student participation small group interaction and improved retention
  • Multimedia instructor presentation with hazard recognition scenarios, videos and animated illustrations depicting real-life driving situations
  • Multiple testing strategies, knowledge checks and a final exam to ensure participants have reached a desired level of competency and comprehension

Course Sessions & Descriptions

  • Driving DefensivelyDefensive driving, stages of a crash, and collision prevention strategies
  • Distracted and Impaired DrivingKey distractions, impaired and fatigued driver, legal responsibilities, potential risks and impacts
  • Conditions in our Roadway CommunityConditions that impact driving, aggressive drivers, reducing risks and hazards
  • Fatal Four Driving BehaviorsTop violations leading to collision and incidents, final exam


Regular Price: $150
Course materials included.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Attend this course and earn .40 CEUs from the Wisconsin Safety Council.

More Information

To schedule a private of this course, please contact WSC at 608.258.3400 or wsc@wisafetycouncil.org for pricing and availability.

Current Training Calendar

Wisconsin Safety Council