Upcoming Training Classes held virtually; second Tuesday of each month.
Students MUST pre-register at least 1 week in advance, no late registrations accepted.

2024 Dates

Nov 12, 2024 – Click to Register

2025 Schedule Below – Online registration now open for 2025.

January 14, 2025 – Click to Register

February 11, 2025 – Click to Register

March 11, 2025 – Click to Register

May 13, 2025 – Click to Register

June 10, 2025 – Click to Register

July 8, 2025 – Click to Register

August 12, 2025 – Click to Register

September 9, 2025 – Click to Register

October 14, 2025 – Click to Register

November 11, 2025- Click to Register

**No classes scheduled/held for months of April and December.

Click Here for a PDF Version 2025

Alive @ 25 focuses on young adult drivers between the ages of 15 and 24, the group with the greatest risk of death by motor vehicle crash. This highly interactive course targets those most in need of learning defensive driving skills, emphasizes making sound driving choices and raises awareness of the consequences of poor driving conduct. Since 1995, millions of young adult drivers have taken this course, including military, high school students and those sent by traffic court who have incurred traffic violations.

Class is applicable to WISCONSIN licensee only; does not meet out-of-state circuit court curriculums.

Course Objectives

ALIVE @ 25 focuses on the issues that put young drivers in jeopardy – inexperience, poor judgement, distractions, peer pressure and a tendency to underestimate risk – in a way teens can relate to.

With a strong emphasis on class interaction, students are encouraged to join in non-threatening, non-judgmental discussions– exploring how changing driving behavior makes personal, legal and financial sense.

Course Objectives Include Being Able To

  • Recognize that drivers in the 15-24 age group are more likely than anyone else to be injured or killed in a vehicle crash and understanding why those drivers are at such high risk.
  • Understand the consequences of making poor judgments or taking unnecessary risks in a vehicle.
  • Recognize the positive characteristics that can help them and their friends make wise driving decisions.
  • Identify actions they can take to keep control whether they are a driver or a passenger.
  • Commit to making better driving choices and to help their friends make better driving choices.

What Participants Will Learn

Designed to complement traditional driver education programs, Alive @ 25 was developed to teach and improve driving skills and behaviors. The 4-hour course incorporates Choice Theory and Reality TherapyTM  techniques to help participants identify the five basic needs that drive human behavior. Alive @ 25 helps young drivers take greater responsibility for their driving by focusing on behavior, judgement, decision-making consequences.

By viewing real-life driving situations and hazard recognition scenarios and taking part in group discussions and role-playing exercises, participants learn to develop strategies that will keep them safe on the road.


Price: $95

Please Note

All students MUST pre-register for the class no later than one week prior to class date as classes are limited to 15 students. Late registrations/onsites will not be accepted.
Register online at: www.wisafetycouncil.org/Alive-25
Student course workbooks will be mailed prior to class. Completion certificates will be mailed after class.
All classes are held virtually.
Students must have a device with camera, and remain on-screen and visible at all times.
Any student who is more than 10 minutes late logging in, will not be allowed into the virtual class and will forfeit all payments.
5:30-9:30PM (login start at 5:15)

For students who pass the class – please allow approx. 5-7 days to receive your certificate in the mail to present to the judge.

Location – all classes held virtually

For more information:
WI Safety Council
501 E. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53703
608.258.34300 or wsc@wisafetycouncil.org

Interested in bringing ALIVE @ 25 to your community?

Let us know by filling out this form or contacting us at wsc@wisafetycouncil.org or 608.258.3400.

More Information


Wisconsin Safety Council